Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Funny day! Actually it was a very normal day...until this happened. I hope you can see the "thing" on the wall above my desk...I thought of offering a prize for best guess of what it is...but realized that was unfair since the picture is not very good. I wanted to get the plant and ceiling in so you could get a better perspective of the "thing". So, what is the "thing" you ask? The mail comes to my desk everyday with several rubber bands around it. They aren't very healthy rubber bands and sometimes they one did today. I looked all around my desk for the snapped rubber band and couldn't find it. For some reason, I looked up and almost fell out of my chair laughing...there was the "thing" stuck to the a worm. It was soooo weird I thought you might enjoy seeing it and get a little laugh out of the silliness of it!

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